allowing more characters?

Author Topic

Posted 2023-09-03 23:46:05

I wish we had more room for text. I know statuses are meant to be quick and short.. but sometimes I wish we had at least one line of text more to finish the sentence. sometimes it's not as easy to make your thoughts as short as humanly possible.

Last edited on 2024-04-28 00:38:14


Posted 2025-01-22 19:06:57

When statuses are SUPPOSED to be quick and short, it isn't the best idea to express that in a 2-sentence HTML box. If you'd like to express your THOUGHTS, please do that on some form of blog or forum. The purpose of StatusCafe is to say short stuff about your site, not to state a whole paragraph. I understand what you mean and what you're saying, by a status is short. No hard feelings.

from scratch and nekoweb I make cartoons, please commition