Bug Reports

Author Topic

Posted 2022-02-12 17:41:30

I have a bug report!

The links generated by the atom feed seem to be a bit broken, this is one it gave me: https://status.cafe/topics/2%237

I live at https://melonking.net maybe you can find me there???!?!????

Posted 2022-02-12 17:46:03

Melon!!!! Thank you so much for noticing this (so happy you're around!) -- the bug should be fixed!


Posted 2022-02-12 19:01:59

Not quite, now its giving me this link! https://forum.status.cafe/topics/2%2311

I live at https://melonking.net maybe you can find me there???!?!????

Posted 2022-02-12 19:59:24

Oh yes... Alright, looks like now it's really solved!