Feature Requests: Injecting script & Mobile site support
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Posted 2022-05-19 10:13:22
I have 2 feature requests! 1. In light of the way status.cafe broke everyone's sites when it went down I would like to request that we can add an injection parameter to the status widget script. e.g instead of loading the script inline, I can put it at the end of my page and tell it to inject into div#status-widget or something. That way if it goes down my page will still load even if the script lags! 2. I would like the main status cafe site to have better adaptive support for mobiles, its nice to check statuses on the go, but its just a lil bit awkward to use the site on a phone! That is all for today, thank you :^D
I live at https://melonking.net maybe you can find me there???!?!????
Posted 2022-05-21 08:37:14
Thank you melon for these two features requests! 1 - Done! The new version makes the script tag "defer". I feel so bad knowing sites where not working... hopefully this will prevent it from happening in the future. 2 - I would loooove to dive into this. Let me know if you have some ideas. One aspect I'd love to nail is the emoji picker. I think if we find a way to make it more simple, it would open a world of possibility, and help on mobile too since it takes quite a lot of screen real estate... Thanks again and keep the requests coming! |
Posted 2022-05-23 11:57:17
Hmmm, I don't think the emoji's are what makes it a bit hard to use. Its juts a bit too small to read comfortably. Maybe one idea would be to hide the status updater by default on mobile and add a button that maximises or minimises it (Since chances are your checking statuses more than updating them). Then I'd mess around with the page scale, possibly just doing initial-scale=2.0" or something could make it a lot more readable.
I live at https://melonking.net maybe you can find me there???!?!????
Posted 2022-05-23 19:49:00
Oh also you don't need the widget and badge code at all on mobile, so I think you could just hide those on smaller screens!
I live at https://melonking.net maybe you can find me there???!?!????
Posted 2022-05-24 16:06:53
I have not noticed any difficulty using the site on mobile. I think it works perfectly. Scrolling past the status updater takes minimal effort. Maybe you are better of using an rss reader for mobile?
I am great
Posted 2024-05-09 06:22:53
i do find the mobile version can be a bit finicky tbh, the status box and emojis are wider than my screen and it makes it impossible to fix a typo because i can't move the cursor without it changing focus and zooming in or out '^^ looking at the CSS/messing around in inspect, i think adjusting from using px to vw on the media query might help tho (if its an option)? i'm on the "small hands, small phone" side of life and i find most sites are too wide for a non-pro or XL phone screen (by small phone i mean normal iphone as opposed to pro, not a mini version or anything excessive like that) Last edited on 2024-05-09 06:23:15 |